If we do not have the product you are looking for in our online store we can design it for you, manufacture it and ship it directly to your door. We have a team of engineers and scientists ready to work with you. Whether it is a small prototype run or high-volume production, we can support any project. Our lab has the latest 3D printers, CNC machines, laser machining systems and optical testing stations ready to work for you.

Some of our successfully completed custom projects.



Glass Plates for Android 3D Mobile Device

Google Project Tango technology gives a mobile device the ability to navigate the physical world similar to how we do as humans. Allied Scientifc Pro provided high-precision laser glass cutting services for Project Tango.
The glass plates of the mobile device used in the initial stage of Project Tango were manufactured by Allied Scientific Pro. The glass plates were cut from Gorilla strengthened glass, masked and black coated. Two small batches were performed for the sub contractor of Google Brinton Engineering in the Silicon Valley.



Custom 2000 mm Integrating Sphere Design

Arkalumen develops and commercializes high-performance LED light engines and intelligent controllers. Arkalumen ordered a custom 2000 mm integrating sphere from Allied Scientific Pro.
2000 mm Integrating Sphere with custom installation and personalized training with Allied Scientific Pro experts. With ASP's custom integrating sphere, Arkalumen helps clients realize their light measurement testing needs.