Empowered Innovations
LaserBlast Cleaning Systems - Photonic Devices - NDT Sensors - Robotics Artificial Intelligence with Data Analytics
Become an ASP LaserBlast cleaning service provider today
So, if you're ready to become a laser cleaning service provider with ASP LaserBlast Cleaning systems, let's make it happen. With our technology and full support, you can build a successful business that stands out from the competition.
Collaborative robots - Cobots. Automated and ready for tasks.
Some of our valued customers
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Our enablers' value proposition
Collaborative Robot
Free the potential of your employees, optimize your human resources in your facility, create jobs of tomorrow, be more competitive. Visit our business unit cobotraas.com
Photonics Devices
Usage of photons enables you to image the invisible, to reach the matter remotely, detect an event, to identify the unknown.
Artificial Intelligence
AI and Machine Learning (ML) enable the full potential of your data provided by sensors, images, or database. Discover trends, optimize processes, and more.
Laser Processing
Non-contact process induced by laser beam enables greener solution, fast process, lower power consumption, and usage of robotics.
Corrosion NDT Detection
Protect your assets by continuous online NDT monitoring of corrosion, improve your quality control, see the corrosion under the insulation layer in 2D.
Smart Light Sensors
Reach the field with our portable sensors, extent your senses by the diagnosis of the light, detect and identify chemicals by analysis of the spectrum.
Executive Team
Steeve Lavoie, R&D Director
Founder and creative mind, citizen and entrepreneur of the world, Steeve has 22 years of experience in the photonics field. Has an extensive network of relationships in America, Europe, and Asia. Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Capable to identify market opportunities and trends. Great customer listening skills, very customer-centric. Always ready for complex challenges.
Jollyveau Tessa, CEO
Oversees corporate governance and financial planning, Jollyveau has over 20 years of experience in Management and Administration, Internal and External Auditing, Accounting and Finance, Procurement and Inventory, and Odoo Software.
The Team
Meet our dedicated team, our Ph.D.'s, Scientists, Engineers, Technicians who are capable of complex design, genius engineering mixing our technology enablers, photonics, robotics, mechanics, electronics, various sensors, software, AI, and data analytics.
Great engineering is done by a great team – Steeve, Founder